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Tips to How Improve your Credit Score Fast

Repairing bad credit is a long, slow process. There are no quick fixes or easy shortcuts to achieving good credit. You should approach any claim to quickly fix a bad credit score with a great deal of skepticism; most of these schemes will do more harm than good.

The only true way to build good credit is by managing it carefully and responsibly over a long period of time. Especially when your bad credit has been caused by irresponsible behavior in the past, the only way to improve it going forward is to improve your credit history.

Improve your Credit Score Fast

Top 4 Important Things You Can Do Right Now:

1. First, you should know that you are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit reporting from each reporting agency every year. If you haven't already, you should request a copy of a credit report from at least one company: Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion. Because there are three companies, you could theoretically request a copy of your credit report from a different reporting agency every four months.

Your credit report is the starting point used by the credit reporting agencies to determine your credit score, so you want to make sure that it is free of any errors. You should be especially careful to look for any incorrect balances due and erroneously listed late payments. If you do find any errors, immediately report them to the credit bureau and the relevant credit agency.

2. Any missed payments will significantly damage your credit score. It may be worth setting up payment reminders with your bank to inform you via email or text message when a payment is due. You may even consider setting up automatic bill payment through your bank, although this will not help you build money management skills.

3. The most effective way to improve your finances when you have bad credit is to simply reduce the amount of debt that you owe. Compared to your credit score, improving this factor is much more gratifying, but it's also easier said than done.

4. One of the simplest steps to take is to stop using your credit cards. Freeze them in a block of ice to avoid temptation if you must, and use your credit report to list all of your accounts in order of interest rate. Pay off your highest rate debts first to reduce your interest payments quickly, using as much of your available budget as you can spare.

Tips On How To Improve Your Credit Score And Maintain Good Credit:

There are many different ways to improve your credit score, depending on which area of your credit report is deficient.

The reporting agencies mainly use the following two types of information to calculate your FICO score: payment history and total debt.

Payment History Tips:

35% of your credit score is calculated from your past payment history. This means that improving this area will have the greatest effect on your credit score -- but unless they appear on your report in error, late payments and collections actions are not easy to correct. Always pay bills on time -- a bill missed by even few days can completely wreck your credit score -- and if you've missed a utility or other payment, get current ASAP.

Length of Credit History Tips:

If you don’t have a long credit history, you shouldn’t open a number of new accounts within a short period of time. The average age of credit lines is an important factor in determining your credit score, especially when you are new to the world of credit. A new credit user opening a number of new accounts in a short period of time sends up warning flags to lenders.

New Credit Tips:

You should only shop for the best rates on a loan within a short period of time. Every hard credit inquiry hurts your FICO score. If too much time passes between inquiries, the reporting agencies will count them as separate events rather than a single one.

Keeping and using credit lines is a good thing. In general, having and using credit cards, installment plans, and similar types of debt will improve your credit score over time. But this is only true if you don't incur too much debt, and only if you don't miss payments!

Credit Repair Ease Help you in improve your credit score.

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